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We use cookies and other tracking technologies (such as traffic analytics) on our websites for website functionality, performance and advertising purposes. We will not place such tracking technologies on your computer, smartphone or electronic device without your consent, unless they are required in order for us to provide the functionality supplied by our websites. If they are not installed, features of our websites may be unavailable and your experience may be impaired as a result. Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to a computer’s hard disk for record-keeping purposes. We may use session cookies, which are only stored for a limited amount of time and persistent cookies that remain indefinitely until they are deleted. Such cookies may be installed by us or by our third contractors. Cookies enable us to remember and recognise you to better facilitate your user satisfaction when you visit our websites by helping us tailor and improve the information we present to you. The use of cookies is common in the Internet industry, and many major websites use them to understand your usage of websites, to customise websites for you, for statistical purposes and to provide useful relevant features, products, advertisements and services. A cookie may be used to tell when your computer or device has contacted our websites and extracts information such as your IP address, browsing pattern, content that you have viewed and browser.

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